Andrea Halmos is a Deputy Head of Unit at the European Commission; helping the digital transformation of public administrations in the EU through interoperability. Her work includes the implementation of the Interoperable Europe Act, with particular focus on the role of interoperability on common European data spaces, AI in the public sector, GovTech and the digital transformation of local and regional administrations.
EU institution
High-level panel: Making the IEA Vision a Reality
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Discussing challenges and solutions, including building skills, to make IEA Vision a reality - from the level of cities and regions, EU, EC, linking with the global vision of interoperable public services.
In September 2021, Jack Hamande began work as Director General Simplification and Digitalisation within Belgian Federal Public Service BOSA.
Jack holds a Master's degree in Industrial and Commercial Psychology from ULB, with an attraction to neural programming, which is often regarded as one of the first first important steps towards artificial intelligence.
Before entering the world of technology, Jack worked for Walt Disney. He had the the opportunity to launch the Internet to the general public at Worldcom/Verizon. His career then took him to Cisco, where he worked on new technologies such in the fields of wireless, security and cloud.
A few years later, he gained his first experience in the public sector as Director General of Organization and Personnel Development at the the former Belgian Federal Public Service Personnel & Organization to launch initiatives like new world of work, leadership development. In 2013, He joined BIPT (Belgian institute for Postal & Telecommunications services) as chairman and member of the Executive Committee. Jack also held several positions at the Board of BEREC (Body of European regulators for electronic communications) , ERGP, ITU and UPU (universal postal union)
High-level panel: Making the IEA Vision a Reality
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Discussing challenges and solutions, including building skills, to make IEA Vision a reality - from the level of cities and regions, EU, EC, linking with the global vision of interoperable public services.
Hilde Hardeman, Director-General of the Publications Office of the European Union since 2021, joined the European Commission in 1994. In her current position, Hilde's focus is on making it known to the public what the EU does and means for them, helping to unlock the power of data, and thereby contributing to transparency and citizens' trust, democracy, the economy and Europe's digital transformation. Previously, she served as Head of the European Commission's Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, focusing on conflict prevention, crisis management and peace-building. She further was Deputy Head of Cabinet to the Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness; headed the Commission President's briefing team; and was in charge of the Units for Relations with Russia and for Relations with Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. Hilde holds a PhD in Slavic Philology and History of the University of Leuven after studies at Leuven, Stanford University, and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. She was visiting professor at the College of Europe.
High-level panel: Making the IEA Vision a Reality
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Discussing challenges and solutions, including building skills, to make IEA Vision a reality - from the level of cities and regions, EU, EC, linking with the global vision of interoperable public services.